In June 2008, concerned patients, physicians, research scientists and other stakeholders met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, to address the need to promote drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) clinical trials. The result was the emergence of RESIST-TB, an initiative focused specifically on promoting and conducting research on treatment shortening, drug efficacy, and prophylaxis for drug-resistant tuberculosis. Since then, RESIST-TB has been collaborating with various research institutions, funding agents, treatment programs, and organizations to determine research priorities, find sites where research can be conducted, and direct funds towards this effort. The end goal of this work is to develop scientifically-tested combination DR-TB regimens that can be rapidly adopted and implemented by TB control programs worldwide. To learn more about clinical trials for DR-TB and the establishment of RESIST-TB, view the Rainbow Document.
Strategic Objectives for the period of 2025-2030:
Goal 1: Advocate for increased accessibility to susceptibility testing for second-line agents
Goal 2: Monitor the emergence of resistance to the new and repurposed agents, especially bedaquiline.
Goal 3: Advocate for increased compassionate use of new drugs
Goal 4: Expand awareness of DR-TB in children and in pregnancy
Resist-TB is comprised of 12, international experts leading the fight against drug-resistant tuberculosis. To view these members and learn more about them visit our steering committee page.